Saturday, May 30, 2009

21 Days and Counting...

Holy smokes, 3 weeks to go!

I know, I have been out of cyberspace for about 9 days, and for that I apologize... I am happy to say we got through the stomach flu, despite losing 7lbs. in 24 hours. YUCK. But, we got the 7lbs. back (I drank a lot of apple juice and ate some ice cream for "recovery"!!).

Since last Monday, I have managed to squeek in a 45 minute swim, a 100 minute run, a super fast 7 miler (60 minutes), a 2 hour ride, a 30 minute swim, and an 80 minute run. On the docket today, another 30 minute swim, a 3 hour ride outside (going to be nice out!!), and if the legs feel up to it, a 60 minute recovery run.

So, we lost some traction with getting sick for a 2nd time, but I feel strong, and am still confident that we have a sub-17 in the tank.

Despite all the triathlon talk, baby girl is doing AMAZING. She is figuring out day from night, eating well, and seems only to be fussy when she's hungry. How did we make a baby this cute?!


  1. Great picture......definitely your kid:)

  2. It's almost race time!!! I can't believe how quickly the time has come. You've been an inspiration so far I will miss the blog of training after you complete the race. Please post pics of the race when you finish!

  3. Hey Anna Banana! I still have one more race to blog about after CDA... :-) Stoked you'll be here for it!
